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Battles we want to see in Battleflied V
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Battles we want to see in Battleflied V

Battlefield V, the World War II shooter game from EA-DICE, just turned two.

The game is one of the most immersive, true-to-life, intense war video games around.

An experience that faithfully portrays some of the fiercest, most iconic battles of the Second World War.

This conflict, which took place between September 1939 and April 1945, was the bloodiest, cruellest in history.

Estimates say between 50 and 60 million people died over this period, including soldiers, civilians and those exterminated in Nazi concentration camps.

The conflict spread to nearly the whole planet. There were two main fronts that bore the brunt of the war.

On one side, the Western Front, which encompassed the whole conflict in Western Europe and Great Britain.

And on the other, the Eastern Front, which was in Eastern Europe and focused on the war between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

And we can’t forget the bloody battles in North Africa.

Or the Pacific Theatre, between Japan and the United States.

Many of the great battles on these Fronts have been faithfully represented in Battlefield V.

Whether through the War Stories that make up the single-player campaign, telling of experiences inspired by real facts.

Or in the true star of the game, its Multiplayer Mode. This is where the bloodiest, most true-to-life battles are waged.

Through several content updates, Battlefield V has covered many of the most iconic battles of World War II.

But it has also taken us to fronts that video games hadn’t explored before.

Like the invasion of Norway by Nazi Germany. Or the Greek resistance to German occupation.

In the chapters of Winds of War, packs that belong to the Battlefield V Season Pass, we’ve visited new parts of the world.

From Ardennes to North Africa, the Greek coast, the Italian countryside and the Pacific front.

But, although EA-DICE has put out loads of content, we’d like to see a bit more of some skirmishes in the game.

For example, we’ve only seen the Battle of Kursk very few times as part of the Eastern Front.

Also on the Eastern Front, another mission set in the harsh Battle of Stalingrad.

If we move, again, to the Pacific Theatre, we could mention the Battle of Midway or the attack on Pearl Harbour.

We mention Pearl Harbour because we haven’t seen a good recreation of the Japanese attack on the US naval base in Hawaii since the brilliant Medal of Honor: Rising Sun.

Nevertheless, these suggestions are a bit late. We don’t think they’ll make it into this Battlefield V.

But, when the new generation comes out later this year, the next parts of the saga could include new locations.

Only time will tell us where we’ll be fighting next. If we go back to World War II in the coming years, of course.


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